What does the word REC mean?
The rec means "Real Economy Currency", a currency at the service of the productive economy. In short, a social economic resource at the service of people and local business.
The rec means "Real Economy Currency", a currency at the service of the productive economy. In short, a social economic resource at the service of people and local business.
Rec, Social Currency. Inspired by the Comtal Irrigation Channel that is born from the Besòs aquifer. For more than a thousand years it has fertilized the Besòs neighborhoods, the plain and the city of Barcelona. He has provided the mills [...]
It is a citizen exchange system that allows transactions between people, entities and businesses that accept it. To buy and sell among them Only in a specific area, for production, for work and proximity shopping Complementary to the Euro The [...]
It came from the 10 Besós neightbourhoods at the end of Maig 2018.
Not at the moment. We are studying that taxes and municipal public prices may be collected in the future.