Completed projects related to REC

The ATARCA (Accounting Technologies for Anti-Rival Coordination and Allocation) consortium led by Aalto University (Finland) and formatted by Streamr (Switzerland), NOVACT (Barcelona), Demos (Finland) and Qbit (Valencia), has received 2.75 million euros from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 FET Open, to address the economic inefficiencies caused by the limited supply of digital goods.
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LE TOCA AL BARRIO was created to stimulate consumption in local shops in the Eix Besòs, promoting the attraction and loyalty of consumers. 100,000 RECS will be destined to give a 15% bonus on purchases made in the REC to the neighbourhoods of the Eix Besòs.
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Those people reciving the 016 Children’s Fund who live in the Eix Besòs and who agree to change 25% of the monthly amount to RECS, will receive an extra bonus for 200 RECS to spend in local shops and promote the local economy.
More info (Spanish)

It begins in the neighborhood, it changes the city.