The technology elements
API (Application Programming interface): is the core of the REC system, it is a web service developed in PHP that works with HTTPs requests and uses the JSON format for data exchange.
This service manages all the internal requests of the REC components and also has a public section for those users with a technical profile who wish to make use of this service (developer’s guide).
ADMINISTRATION PANEL: web portal for the administration and management of the different entities and services that make up the REC: control of accounts and users, management of the different types of KYC (Know Your Customer), monitoring and statistics of transactions in real time, administration of the POS, B2B reports, etc..
It is an essential tool for administrators to control the system.
MOBILE APP: is the REC payment application, from this, users can register, edit and manage their own accounts, acquire recs, make payments and collections in recs with other users and consult the REC map to find all those establishments and information (offers, schedules…).
BASE DE DADES: Our system works with two types:
A relational database that serves to store user data and the different configurations of the REC’s entities and services.
A non-relational database that stores all system transactions and related information. In the beginning a centralized blockchain with private nodes, but it’s not activated now.
How can we apply it?
REC’s technology can be replicated or integrated into other platforms:
Cooperative markets and consumer groups: RECs can be used to buy products. As the REC is exclusively digital, it facilitates accounting management as all operations are recorded and eliminates the use of cash, thus eliminating risks such as money transfer, theft, etc.
Other currencies: The REC system is designed to be scalable and easily deployed in other virtual environments. It also has the option of being able to modify the look&feel of the app. To adapt it to the other currency’s brand.
This service is a payment gateway from which professional users who wish to do so can make collections in RECS from their online stores or mobile applications.
From the mobile application the shop can see all the transactions made from the account associated with the POS.
From the API, businesses can interact with our system to receive real-time notifications of the different payment statuses of a transaction, consult specific details of a transaction or make returns with a total or partial amount of a transaction.
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