How can I get recs?
Private user: To get recs you have to be registered to the Rec Barcelona mobile app, press the button with the rec (R) symbol that appears on the main screen, to the right of the balance. Then write the amount [...]
Private user: To get recs you have to be registered to the Rec Barcelona mobile app, press the button with the rec (R) symbol that appears on the main screen, to the right of the balance. Then write the amount [...]
To become a person or user of the rec you must download the app “Rec Barcelona” in the Play Store, register and accept the conditions of use.
It is a digital currency, therefore, it only works through the "Rec Barcelona" mobile app or the rec card with a QR code. To be able to use it, you need to download and register in the app.
For the years before the start of the pilot project, the funding comes from the European project B-Mincome (EU). But it will be supported by the contribution of citizens participating and with the resources generated by the same use of [...]
The model of organization that is proposed for the rec as a social coin of the Besòs Aix area is to promote collective intelligence integrating horizontality (legitimacy) and verticality (effectiveness), in a framework of total transparency. The decisions in each [...]
The main functions of the Lead Group of the "Taula de Canvi" are: Encourage the launch of the social currency in the pilot project of the Besòs Aix area and do the follow-up and continuous evaluation Prepare its own operating [...]
It is formed by three sectors: Economic sector: Groupings of market standes Traders associations Organizations of the cooperative, social and solidarity economy Social sector: Neighborhood Associations Social and cultural organizations Municipal sector: Service addresses to the people of the 3 [...]
It is a social currency; therefore, it is governed by the citizenship. Initially the currency is governed by Novact with the aim of constituting a governance space, the Lead Group of the "Taula de Canvi", an organization formed by citizens [...]
In the pilot phase of the project, the rec is issued by Novact through a monetary authority that guards the euros and guarantees the process. After this initial phase, the currency will be governed by a citizen entity "Taula de [...]
The social currency has several advantages for each type of user: Individuals: It is a safe, instant and cost-free form of payment: payments to businesses, organizations or other people have no cost and are made easily, safely and quickly. Allows [...]