What are the exchange points?

2018-08-02T09:28:42+00:00August 2nd, 2018||

TO INDIVIDUALS  You can do the recs to euros exchange just through the app. You should press the button with the rec symbol and be able to charge recs to your account. You can select whichever exchange point on the list, as they are the [...]

What are the principles of the governance project?

2018-08-02T13:54:53+00:00May 20th, 2018||

The model of organization that is proposed for the rec as a social coin of the Besòs Aix area is to promote collective intelligence integrating horizontality (legitimacy) and verticality (effectiveness), in a framework of total transparency. The decisions in each [...]

Is the rec a truly currency?

2018-08-02T11:06:51+00:00May 20th, 2018|, |

In the euro zone, only the euro is the legal currency. This means that no one can be forced to pay or collect in a currency other than the euro. Social currencies (social, local, etc.) are accepted voluntarily and serve [...]

What values does the rec promote?

2018-05-20T18:26:26+00:00May 20th, 2018||

The project is based on the values of a social currency, to be a means of digital payment complementary to the euro, with a social orientation and ethics at the service of the needs of the population (community currency) and [...]

What is the symbol of the rec?

2018-05-20T18:22:50+00:00May 20th, 2018||

The social currency Rec symbols’ is a letter R with a left trace that allows the simultaneous reading of an R and a + symbol. For its daily use the character Ɍ can be used (Unicode Uno + 024C), is [...]

What does the word REC mean?

2018-08-02T10:08:07+00:00May 20th, 2018||

The rec means "Real Economy Currency", a currency at the service of the productive economy. In short, a social economic resource at the service of people and local business.

What is the name of the Social Currency in Barcelona?

2018-05-20T18:21:11+00:00May 20th, 2018||

Rec, Social Currency. Inspired by the Comtal Irrigation Channel that is born from the Besòs aquifer. For more than a thousand years it has fertilized the Besòs neighborhoods, the plain and the city of Barcelona. He has provided the mills [...]

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